NetXed® Utilities A set of FREE, fast, lightweight utility programs for Windows.
NetXed® is a set of utilities that used to be licensed software and is now offered license-free for public use. NetXed is offered "as-is" but completely free with no ads and is not a trial. The programs were written a long time ago, but still work and are amazingly useful.
NetXed32.exe - processes simple to complex scripts to automate tasks.
- Read, create or modify text files.
- Run external programs (shell, Windows, other NetXed programs) synchronously or asynchronously.
- Detect if programs are running by name, then take action in the script.
- Programmatic control.
- Zip and optionally outer-encrypt files.
- Generate user dialogs to gather information, browse files or folders, lists, text boxes, checkboxes, option groups etc.
- Run batch shell commands intermixed with the script
NXRDB.exe - executes remote database operations.
- Execute sequences of tasks.
- Execute SQL statements.
- Transfer data between any two data sources: databases, CSV, XML, fixed format files.
- Store credentials in encrypted files.
- Encrypt the INI file to keep the tasks hidden and secure.
NXRFiles.exe - executes file management operations.
- Execute sequences of file management tasks. Move, copy, delete, clean, sync, rename, list, zip, recursive, date specific, etc.
- Much faster than built-in Windows file operations.
- Process or create lists of files.
- Log actions or create lists of files that were acted on.
- Encrypt the INI file to keep the tasks hidden and secure.
NetXedReadme.pdf - Comprehensive documentation with examples.
*Completely free, no license, no strings attached, no ads.

This user dialog including an Options list, Browse button, Edit textbox, Drop-down list and Checkbox was created using 9 script lines, two of which are to set initial values.