Performance Measurement & Scorecarding
A new stand-alone cloud-based scorecarding and performance measurement tool, TPM (Tiered Performance Measurement), is now available to Credit Unions and Banks looking to improve profitability and branch service levels.
Insitutions can set up their own scorecards and performance KPI's, upload data, and start improving the quality of work at their branches.
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You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure
Performance measurement is an important component of StaffPro’s overall objective to improve productivity and profitability. Years of experience and data make it clear that there are significant differences between high-performing, average and low-performing employees. High-performing employees really do more work with fewer errors while delivering better customer service.
Tiered Performance Measurement
Tiered Performance Measurement (TPM) is integrated into StaffPro to provide consistent, quantitative performance measurement to employees or branches. Utilizing TPM increases the percentage of high performing employees while identifying those that need remediation.
- Teller TPM analyzing aggregate outages, frequency of outages and transaction volume is delivered standard. Add any number of additional criteria such as fees collected or customer referrals.
- Create any number of TPM scorecards, each with any number of criteria, for other services such as platform or loan personnel, for the branches themselves, or for back office departments.
- TPM distills each scorecard into monthly numerical values that are stored with the underlying data to support reviewing history or analyzing trends.
- Teller TPM is delivered standard with a full StaffPro subscription.